THL will contribute to the development of the intervention components related to Wellbeing, Stress and Depressive Symptoms’, looking at how promoting mental wellbeing can be incorporated in the intervention.

National Institute for Health and Welfare, THL
Prof. Kristian Wahlbeck

Prof. Kristian Wahlbeck is Adjunct Professor of Psychiatry at University of Tampere, Finland and Director of Development at Finnish Association of Mental Health. He has successfully coordinated several European projects (EU-PSI, MINDFUL, CEPHOS-LINK, EMMY) and has wide expertise in public mental health research.

Ms Johanna Cresswell-Smith

Ms Johanna Cresswell-Smith is a Project Coordinator at the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare. The majority of her professional experience has involved working with mental health promotion at a grass root level and more recent research activities.